Complete lighting Services for Your Shoot or Event !
Your production's success is assured when you use BGGS Lighting and Grip Services.
Labor Rates 2013
This economy has really impacted local crew rates the past few years.
As a Gaffer I have been asked to work as low as $100.00 per day on a film or as much as $650.00 on a corporate or commercial shoot.
Generally freelance rates are as follows:
Gaffer Rate: $650.00 for a ten hour day. This assumes one meal off the clock if food is not provided and 30 minutes off the clock if it is. The first two hours after 10 hours worked is calculated at 1.5 times the prevailing rate and after the 12th hour it is calculated at 2 times the prevailing rate.
Meal penalties are assessed after the 6th hour worked with out a meal served or break given to the employee.
Grip - Driver rate is $500.00 for a ten hour day. Please allow travel time included in the daily rate. Charge is portal to portal.
Key Grip: $600.00 per 10 hour day.
Electrician Rate is $600.00 per day.
Dolly Grip : $600.00
Other crew positions available. Please inquire.
Union Information
Union rates in this area are between $32.10 and 40.87 per hour. This is for an eight hour day and 1.5 OT for the first two hours and double time after 12 hours.
Be sure to calculate the 18% Vacation and Retirement contributions for each IATSE grip or electrician hired.
BGGS is a non-union shop. However many of the freelancers we use are members. Please respect the need to fund our Health and Welfare funds if possible on your productions. We encourage the use of Union personnel whenever possible.
An external payroll service is used to pay members of IATSE. There is a 20% fee to process payroll per project.
Feel free to use these rates as a guideline when budgeting your production. Some of these rates are negotiable. Please inquire because it never hurts to ask.
Thank you for considering BGGS Lighting & Grip on your production!